We are absolutely confident that considering all the fuzz and the chaos in our modern lives, there simply must be some place where a man can go to, sit for a nice small talk with other men, drink a glass of fine whiskey and while doing that also get their facial and head hair taken care of.
次年,微软将Live Search更名为必应(Bing),并予以“决策引擎”的定位。简而言之,很多信息用户不必搜索就已经显示。如天气、航班信息,当用户键入关键词的时候,相关信息会直接显示或者弹窗,再如Facebook好友的内容也会通过必应推荐给用户。为此,微软和Facebook、多家旅行服务商等都展开了合作。